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殷商到春秋时期,"口"专指人的嘴.战国以后,在转喻机制的作用下,"口"发生跨域演变,西汉时已成为由于概念域融合而新产生的{口嘴}概念域的上位词."嘴"专指鸟嘴,产生于东汉,之后其义域不断扩大,使用频率逐渐提高,至唐代完成了上位化演变,到清末则取代了"口"的强势上位词地位."口"上位化的原因在于古今范畴化方式发生了变化,"嘴"的上位化则是语用、语义、字形变化等各种因素综合作用的结果.  相似文献   
考虑不同的位移边界条件,建立了常物性2D-FGM板研究模型,并采用有限元法,得到其冷却瞬态热应力场分布图形。位移边界条件对常物性2D-FGM平面区域冷却瞬态热应力分布影响颇大,在简支和一端固定情况下,2D-FGM板自由边界上的热应力σx=0;两端固定情况下,其左右两边界均形成上中下三个应力聚集,应力分布形状和数值都发生了巨大的变化;将四周均设置呈固定约束后,热应力数值增长幅度较两端固定情况时更为明显。此结果为该材料的设计、制备提供了准确的理论计算依据。  相似文献   
For architect Oskar G. Stonorov (1905–70) and labour leader Walter P. Reuther (1907–70) unions were not simply instruments for collective bargaining. They were also agents for transforming established social practices that denied the working class access to decent housing, parks and art; discriminated against African Americans; and destroyed the natural environment. Architecture and site planning were key to this transformation as they addressed concerns of social justice and environmental quality. Stonorov and Reuther shared an aesthetic agenda as well – to expose workers to the emancipating beauty of modern design – as they believed well-designed housing contributed to both their personal lives and productivity at work. From 1941 until their deaths in 1970 they devised plans for workers' housing and town planning, sculpture, urban renewal and environmentally sensitive site planning. They sought to involve workers in the design process, mark union territory on former elite-owned properties, give control of housing production to organized labour and advance workers' educational opportunities. This article examines their architectural endeavours as part of a labour narrative and as an index of the turbulent social and political changes taking place from the inter-war years to 1970.  相似文献   
《龙舟会》是王夫之创作的一部杂剧,它的语言具有音乐美、含蓄美、人物语言个性化等戏剧语言的特点。由于使用大量比喻句与夸张句,其语言具有形象化特点。由于语言雅俗并用,其语言具有陌生化特点。这些语言特点和王夫之的文学主张是一致的。  相似文献   

This article looks at two periods in the history of white supremacy in New Zealand: the short-lived explosion of skinhead groups in the 1990s, and the contemporary rise of the internet-driven alt-right. It looks at the similarities and differences between the two groups, looking at style, symbols, ideology, and behaviour. It looks at the history of these two movements in New Zealand and compares the economic and social factors that contributed to their rise, in particular how the different social class of members produced groups with near-identical ideology but radically different presentation and modes of action.  相似文献   
当前,发展中国家地位问题受到国际社会的高度关注,已成为世界贸易组织改革中的主要讨论议题。然而,现行世界贸易组织多边规则体系中并没有关于“发展中国家地位”的清晰界定,“自我认定”的方式正遭受一些国家的挑战。发展中国家地位和特殊与差别待遇条款密切相关,世界贸易组织规则体系中涵盖的155项特殊与差别待遇条款为发展中国家的国内政策提供了一定的灵活性,尽管多数为“最佳努力条款”。中国的发展中国家地位兼具身份和契约的双重属性,部分发达国家迫使中国放弃发展中国家地位,本质上旨在继续维持其在国际经济秩序中的主导地位。虽然中国的发展正处于“强起来”的第三阶段,但仍须坚持发展中国家地位不动摇。放弃发展中国家地位并不等于将获得发达国家的自动接纳,相反,还会影响到在其他国际组织和国际事务中的角色扮演,中国的发展离不开广大发展中国家的支持。当然,坚持发展中国家地位并不等于需要和其他发展中成员享受完全一致的差别待遇,在后续谈判中,中国可以保持一定的灵活性。在国际治理中,中国也将继续为国际社会的发展提供解决方案,树立负责任大国形象。  相似文献   
Despite the critical role that paid maternity leave can assume in the economic lives of low-income families, research to date has paid insufficient attention to whether paid maternity leave reduces welfare use for low-income families. Using the Current Population Survey (CPS) March Supplement 2007–2014 with the difference-in-difference (DiD) technique, this study finds a significant policy effect of paid maternity leave on reducing the probability of using Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), TANF benefit amounts and TANF participation length. This study confirms that paid maternity leave is likely to prevent low-income families from using welfare during job interruptions stemming from the birth of a child. Given that TANF is often associated with negative political and social connotations, paid maternity leave can be used as an important social policy to improve economic security as well as offer empowerment in overall social standing for low-income mothers. The discussion focuses on the implications of the findings in a broader context of American welfare states.  相似文献   

This article examines two density-based value-capture mechanisms – community amenity contributions (CAC) in Vancouver, Canada, and transfer of development rights (TDR) in New Taipei City, Taiwan – that planners use to finance public goods. To understand the differences in the design of the mechanisms, negotiating dynamics, actors involved, and types of public goods financed, we propose three perspectives on development rights: absolute ownership, bundle of rights, and public asset. We find that the public asset perspective underpins Vancouver’s CAC, whereas in New Taipei City’s TDR development rights are treated more as a commodity, a concept rooted in the absolute ownership perspective.  相似文献   
新中国成立初期,马克思主义在新疆地区的传播,历经了从边缘走向中心、从隐蔽走向公开,进而发展为常态化的历史过程。这一过程,蕴涵着马克思主义理论的内在诉求,是中国共产党执政的在场体现,也深度契合了新疆地区各族人民的迫切需求。面对传播过程中出现的话语、文本和媒介等现实问题,党和政府通过加强党组织建设以建构话语路径、翻译出版经典著作以建构文本路径、完善本土大众传媒以建构媒介路径等来化解问题,从而为新疆维吾尔自治区成立奠定了思想与理论基础,强化了中国共产党在新疆地区的组织建设,也推进了本土传播媒介的发展与提升,更为马克思主义在民族地区传播的理论探究提供了现实参考。  相似文献   
十九大报告中,习近平总书记提出了新时代中国特色社会主义思想这一全新命题。该命题是对马克思主义的继承和发展,是对中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信和文化自信的当代诠释,为中国特色社会主义的发展、为发展中国家如何进行现代化建设开辟了新的路径。具体来说,习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想有着深厚的历史意义,它不仅促进马克思主义在21世纪的复兴,为处于低谷的国际共产主义运动提供了动力,在共建中共享,为世界和平发展贡献了中国方案和中国智慧,而且开辟了现代化发展的新路向,为发展中国家如何发展提供了镜鉴。  相似文献   
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